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This Boy’s On A Roll (?)

In 1984, American pride was the highest it’s ever been in my lifetime. A lot of my friends were really into the movie Red Dawn, which served as wish fulfillment for those who wanted to kill some Commies for their Mommies. Personally, I’m more of a lover than a fighter, which is why I was drawn to Oxford Blues; I wished I could bang some random woman so well that she would not only give me her car, but pay for my education at a prestigious British university, which I was only attending for the sole purpose of getting into Amanda Pays‘ pants. A lot dudes hated on Rob Lowe back then, but that’s because he could get more pussy in ten minutes than most mere mortals could get in a lifetime. The theme song to the movie is all about how women all over the world were going to fall for him, because Americans fuck better than anyone else. I know I do, so there’s some truth in the lyrics. I’m not even sure it’s called This Boy’s On A Roll, and Robert Gordon is supposedly the performer, but I can’t find any mention of it in any discography of his anywhere. I don’t think it was ever released as a single or on any album. Someone posted it on YouTube, here it is for your listening pleasure.


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