Nov 28, 20131 min read
Beat the Clock & Buy Advance Tickets with MoviePass
The title says it all, doesn’t it? In this video, I explain and demonstrate how to get around MoviePass‘ Countdown Clock and why it...

Nov 25, 20137 min read
Why I can’t recommend MoviePass (and why I won’t be renewing my subscription anytime soon)
If you’ve read my other posts on MoviePass, it’s clear that overall I was happy with the service and how it was implemented for the first...
Nov 25, 20133 min read
A day is 24 hours, but 24 hours is not a day
If English isn’t your first language, that might not make sense. Hell, it might not make sense even if English is your first language....
Nov 25, 20133 min read
What can I see with MoviePass?
The MoviePass card is actually a branded Discover Card, so it should be accepted at any theater with a ticket kiosk that accepts Discover...

Nov 25, 20134 min read
How does MoviePass work (and what happens when it doesn’t)?
The video below illustrates this paragraph if you’d rather watch than read how it works. To use MoviePass, you open the app and find the...