Insomniac Non Sequitur running on Serendipity

Hello world!

Insomniac Non Sequitur running on Serendipity
The blog on the old server

Welcome (back) to Insomniac Non Sequitur! It’s been a couple of years since I’ve updated this thing. I’m in the process of migrating the posts from the old server to this one. The blog was originally running on Serendipity (still is somewhere out there), and there didn’t seem to be an easy way to export the posts, comments, tags, categories, etc. to WordPress easily. So I’m going to be cutting and pasting the next few days. There may be some changes to layout and features over the next few days also. Be sure to check the archives and if there’s anything wrong (broken links, missing media and the like), let me know in the comments section.

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