Jul 23, 20186 min read
I’ve been promising something relating to Police Academy for years. It’s much bigger than I planned
Been a while since I posted anything new, and it’ll be a while longer. If you’ve been here before you might have noticed that I’ve...

Apr 19, 20151 min read
A quick note to all my wrestling peeps
If you’ve been reading smile’s Wrestling Magazine at Flipboard, thanks for checking it out! I started the magazine because there’s...

Nov 28, 20131 min read
Beat the Clock & Buy Advance Tickets with MoviePass
The title says it all, doesn’t it? In this video, I explain and demonstrate how to get around MoviePass‘ Countdown Clock and why it...

Nov 25, 20137 min read
Why I can’t recommend MoviePass (and why I won’t be renewing my subscription anytime soon)
If you’ve read my other posts on MoviePass, it’s clear that overall I was happy with the service and how it was implemented for the first...
Nov 25, 20133 min read
A day is 24 hours, but 24 hours is not a day
If English isn’t your first language, that might not make sense. Hell, it might not make sense even if English is your first language....