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A quick note to all my wrestling peeps

If you’ve been reading smile’s Wrestling Magazine at Flipboard, thanks for checking it out! I started the magazine because there’s already a lot of coverage of wrestling online but I wanted to focus on some of the things that mainstream media doesn’t: the indie wrestlers touring all over doing house shows, the many women who are overlooked or marginalized and the actual lives of wrestlers as people instead of the larger than life cartoons the general public seems to perceive them as.

me & Mom at Impact Wrestling
me & Mom at Impact Wrestling

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything because I’ve been busy (I explain in more detail here). On the TiVo, I have a couple of weeks worth of WWE & TNA shows, a few weeks of New Japan & PWS & a Lucha Underground to catch up on besides the YouTube stuff I subscribe to. Since I haven’t watched the shows, I haven’t been reading wrestling news because I want to avoid spoilers. I haven’t even kept up with local shows lately. I’ll be getting back to it, but in the meantime I want to thank you all for your patience and support! Keep reading and let me know your thoughts.

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