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Back With A Mac Mini

Hey people! I know it’s been over a week since I promised at least 3 new entries in this blog, but I got caught up with a couple of other things. I did watch the Police Academy saga over the weekend, but haven’t posted the article yet because Monday was my birthday and my mother surprised me with a new computer setup, as seen here:

If the embedded video doesn’t appear above, click here to watch it at Qik.

So I had to migrate all the stuff from my old computer over to the new one, which took some time. I also had some trouble getting my iPhone to sync with the new computer (search for “iphone sync stops at step 7 of 7” for an idea of some of my issues), which left me incommunicado for a couple of days, but now I’m up and running for the most part.

Also, I was playing around with some social video apps over the weekend for the piece comparing those, but Viddy released a new version along with an overhaul of their website on Tuesday, so what I was going to write about that is already outdated. I’ll play with the new version some more and write something up soon.

Lastly, I’m not sure if anyone is still interested in reading a recap of this past season of Celebrity Apprentice. The season finale was almost two weeks ago and it’s not like they reinvented the wheel or anything. Still, I do have some thoughts that I want to get down, so while I may not put out the most exhausting examination of the show, there will be something. Thanks for your patience.

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