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Check your subscriptions

Hey all, it’s been a while, I know. Going to have some new content up soon, but in the meantime, I’ve been overhauling the website a bit to get it to play nice with some other things around the web. It’s really more behind the scenes stuff, how the site’s organized on the back end, but you may have to update your RSS feeds/subscriptions in order to get the content you want.

Here are the two categories you can subscribe to:

  • Insomniac Non Sequitur (web | feed), my blog, where I provide humorous social commentary and media analysis

  • smile’s Song Of The Day (web | feed), which is a slight misnomer; lately it’s really more like smile’s Song Of Whenever He Gets Around To It

If you visit the website, the relevant sections should have the correct RSS/subscription links.


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