Coming up: Social Video, Police Academy, Celebrity Apprentice
What’s up people? I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything, but he’s a quick update on some upcoming posts:
It’s been a little over a year since I wrote a post on Viddy. Seeing as how the head of the company stopped by, read it and then addressed pretty much all of my beefs with the next software update, I should have acknowledged that a lot sooner, but in case you haven’t noticed, I’m kind of dick sometimes. Well, that follow up is coming, along with a look at some of the other players in the social video arena (specifically, Tout, YouToo, Qik and Color, because they’re the ones I’ve used).
Also, by (sort of) popular demand, I’ll be writing a piece on the sociological undertones of the Police Academy movies. Yup, that’s right. Last week, The AV Club celebrated Police Academy with a series of articles. I left a detailed comment on one of the articles, which got some good feedback, and a crowd sourced idea for a post. I don’t actually own the movies, because they’re on TV all the time. In fact, here’s what a TiVo search brings up:

As you can see, with the exception of The Original and Citizens On Patrol, the entire movie series will be on premium cable this week. I’ve already set the TiVo to grab them, and I’ll swing by the library to borrow DVDs of the two that aren’t airing. I’ll watch ’em all and regurgitate something eventually.
Lastly, while writing this, I’m also live tweeting this season’s finale of The Celebrity Apprentice. I’ve been doing that all season, so I’ll be writing a post or two relating to that. Eventually.
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