Eccelston is Who on BBC America

Just flipped over to BBC America and they’re showing the complete 2005 season of Doctor Who today. If you’re in America, haven’t seen it yet and have cable, check it out if you can. As good as David Tennant is in the role, Christopher Eccelston is the fucking Doctor! Don’t take our word for it, watch the video below and see what some regular folks thought.

Billie Piper along for the ride as the impossibly sexy Rose Tyler, sharp writing by Russell Davies (and others), tight direction by Euros Lyn (and others) and strong support from Noel Clarke and Camille Coduri made this series the new bar to be reached.
UPDATE/CORRECTION: BBC America isn’t showing the complete 2005 series today; they skipped over the episodes “The Unquiet Dead,” “Aliens of London,” and “World War III.”
Vodpod videos no longer available.
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