I’m just a billy goat / trying to stay afloat

I just finished watching the season finale of Bones. It took me a couple of hours because I kept dozing off and thought I was dreaming a lot of it; but I’d wake up and rewind it and realize that this a really weird show. If you ever wanted to see David Boreanaz and Ryan O’Neal reenact Fight Club, Bones is the show to watch. I thought I dreamed that shit, but I was awake and watching that part. I rewound that scene twice, I couldn’t process that shit was actually on the show.

I’m still trying to figure out how ZZ Top is that really hot Asian scientist’s Dad. Well, not the whole band, just Billy Gibbons, and I mean Billy Gibbons; he’s not playing a role, he’s himself on the show. Man, if your show is about science and genetic type stuff, you need to explain shit like that. I mean, she’s a really, really hot Asian scientist and he’s. . . Billy Gibbons.
On a related note, best wishes to Dusty Hill.
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