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Walk In My Shoes – Dedicated to Brittany Duprey

Last night was Brittany’s 20th Birthday. I got her a pair of sneakers, which she seemed to love. Shoes were a fitting gift, maybe more for me than Brittany, because she probably doesn’t remember this. Around her Sixth Birthday, I showed her how to tie her shoes; actually she pretty much had it figured out. She was going to start First Grade, and I was worried that she might not be able to tie her shoes because no one had ever shown me how to tie my shoes, and when I was expected to do it myself, I remember feeling a tremendous amount of pressure. Fortunately, I was able to do it, having learned without trying from watching others. I was confident Brittany would be able to do the same. I told her about my experience and asked her to try tying her shoes. She did with one minor mistake, which I corrected and with her 2nd try, she had it down pat. “I’m glad, because I can’t always be there to tie your shoes for you,” I told her.

The gift wasn’t exactly a surprise because I had to call her to find out her shoe size. You’d think I’d know these things, huh? Well, as it turned out, I wasn’t able to be there for a lot of things, too many in fact. I was proud of Brittany when she was six for being able to tie her shoes and I’m proud of her today for all of the other things she achieved in her life when I couldn’t be there. For these reasons and more, I dedicate this song to her with all my heart.

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