Tag Archives: about this blog

Connect with me at lowereastsmile.com — smile

Hey all, I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here. I keep meaning to make this site my primary online destination, but I end up embracing social media again and again. Every so often, there’s an industry shake up where platforms change, and sometimes grow, but often die. Over the years I’ve posted things to various sites that no longer exist, like Viddy, Tout, GetGlue, and so on, and the content I posted just vanished. That’s the primary reason I stopped joining every new site that came along (you won’t find me on TikTok, Discord, Mastodon, Zoom, etc). We now seem to be at another point where the social media landscape is changing. Instead of chasing another trendy site and trying to make it work for me, I’m going to start posting here more often while also continuing to fill gaps in the past here with content that originally appeared elsewhere. Most of the posts have comment sections, feel free to leave your thoughts, suggestions and feedback. Thanks for stopping by — smile

Why I’m Not On Facebook

I used to be on Facebook. Technically, I still am, but I’m locked out of my account and it’s hidden from public view. I know my account hasn’t been completely purged because I still get emails from them; the ones that tell you so and so posted a new photo or whatever in an attempt to get you to log in, which I am unable to do. I can’t even unsubscribe to those emails because I have to log in to do so.

Little known fact: Facebook did have a character limit for posts.

So what happened? I initially set up a Facebook profile — wow, it’s been like 12 (twelve!) years ago, at least. I don’t know what the onboarding process is like now, but back then, among the information you were required to provide was a username and your “real name,” which was defined as the name you go by in your everyday life and that people generally know you by. For my username, I entered the same one I use everywhere, and for “real name,” I entered smile from The Lower East Side.

Continue reading Why I’m Not On Facebook

The Story Behind My Logo

This is an image that has been associated with me or characters I’ve played for the bulk of my career. It’s a still from the first film I produced, Death Fish, which was shot in August, 1997. One of writer/director Carlos Sanchez Lopez‘s influences was Sergio Leone, especially the film A Fistful of Dollars:

Still of Clint Eastwood from A Fistful of Dollars

When I was a kid, A Fistful of Dollars was on television a lot because westerns were still popular and Clint Eastwood was at the height of his superstardom in the 1970‘s. Also, it was only about 100 minutes long without commercials, so it fit perfectly into a two hour prime time TV slot. If Clint had a new movie out in theaters, Fistful of Dollars would be on The Million Dollar Movie all week, so I saw it a lot.

– Carlos Sanchez Lopez, writer/director
Continue reading The Story Behind My Logo

The Next Freakin’ Thing

Today finally sees the launch of my first line of Digital Collectibles. It will be a series of non-interactive NFTs providing access to original art, photos, videos and other forms of media created by me. A lot of it wil be previously unreleased material from my archives, but I will also be creating new content as well.

The NFTs will be hosted on the WAX blockchain. I chose the WAX blockchain for its reduced environmental impact. You can get the NFTs at the Atomic Hub Marketplace; my collection is called smileartwork.

Rather than flooding the market, I will be minting the NFTs to meet demand in order to minimize resource use. Each NFT will have a rarity level based on how many are made available. Initial pricing for the NFTs will vary based on subjective quality and rarity. The Rarity Levels are:

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I just didn’t feel like it

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. I haven’t worked on my podcast, or posted a Song of the Day, even though I was fully intending to. I started recording episode 4 of #smileSays, and took a break because I needed to do some fact checking online. This was on late Monday night, May 25 (early Tuesday morning, May 26). When I went online, this was when I learned:

George Floyd was murdered by Derek Chauvin.

Continue reading I just didn’t feel like it

It’s always something

Since most of America is stuck indoors due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I was going to start working on this site some more, since I now have time on my hands. Wouldn’t you know, a couple of weeks ago my computer’s battery swelled up and I had to send if off for repair? I knew the battery swelled because the clamshell wouldn’t close all the way and when it wasn’t plugged in, it would randomly shut down.

I contacted Apple Support and they were able to get me squared away. Since everything is closed, they had to ship me a box with packing materials and I had to send my computer off to them. Turns out the battery problem was a known issue, so even though my Macbook Pro is out warranty, the repair didn’t cost me anything. The turn around time was great too, considering the current circumstances.

Macbook Pro Clamshell after repair
It’s possible to get a computer repaired these days (at least by Apple)

I’m restoring my computer now (I wiped it before sending it off), so hopefully I’ll be up and running by the time you read this. Once I am, I’ll be upgrading the older posts to the new WordPress format and adding some new stuff. I’m sure everyone could use a Song of the Day or whatever nonsense I come up.

Temporal Shift

It’s been a while, the longest while since I started this blog in fact. I got an email from Google last week letting me know that the site wasn’t mobile friendly anymore, so I logged on to fix it, and saw that I didn’t post anything at all here in 2014. I’ve still been online, just sharing my thoughts in other places like Twitter, Facebook and commenting on various other sites. I’ve added links to the menu above so you can check them out if you’re so inclined. I haven’t even really been that active on those places in the last few months because I always seem to be out of time.

In the years since I’ve started this blog, the amount of things available to fill my free time has grown considerably. I’ve upgraded my TiVo to a modern unit that’s capable of recording six channels at once. There’s shit on there from last year, entire seasons of shows that I haven’t got around to watching because there’s not enough time in the day. I still haven’t watched The Knick, Extant, or Gang Related (which I just learned was cancelled when I looked for the link to the show, that’s what I get for trying to avoid spoilers); I haven’t watched Halt And Catch Fire either and they added it to Netflix already, so I might as well delete those and make space for shit I won’t get around to watching until Christmas.

TiVo Screenshot
Yes, those shows are actually on my TiVo.

Continue reading Temporal Shift

Check your subscriptions

Hey all, it’s been a while, I know. Going to have some new content up soon, but in the meantime, I’ve been overhauling the website a bit to get it to play nice with some other things around the web. It’s really more behind the scenes stuff, how the site’s organized on the back end, but you may have to update your RSS feeds/subscriptions in order to get the content you want.

Here are the two categories you can subscribe to:

  • Insomniac Non Sequitur (web | feed), my blog, where I provide humorous social commentary and media analysis
  • smile’s Song Of The Day (web | feed), which is a slight misnomer; lately it’s really more like smile’s Song Of Whenever He Gets Around To It

If you visit the website, the relevant sections should have the correct RSS/subscription links.

Some category updates and reorganization

Hey people; just been cleaning stuff up on the web side of things. To that end, I’ve changed the organizational structure. smile’s Song Of The Day used to be a subcategory of Entertainment, but is now its own category. If you’re subscribed to a feed or e-mail update, you shouldn’t notice any differences, but if you’ve bookmarked any of the Songs Of The Day, you’ll have to update your bookmarks, since they’re dynamically generated on this end. Thanks for your understanding!